Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Basic theory? Advanced theory? TP? Park here park there? Tskk! Where got time! =D
like like like finally finally finally finish my driving course after 3 month of training!
Booking out on saturday and booking in the next day for the past 3 month was no life, no time, no freedom for every single things.
SO woohoo right now, i am so so so so so gonna enjoy my off till Tuesday night!
and hell yeah right, it's Tuesday today. We just finish our course today and i cant believe they expect us to go back to our actual main camp on the same day. Damn.
Quite sad that all of the people which i have known for the past 3 month have to be separate and go back to our own respective unit already =(( Our group was like so happening ya know, so many crazy peeps =) most rojak group ever also. we've korean, china, malaysia, myanmar, thailand, eurasian, philiphines and so many more. hahaha but what to do? too bad. just hope that we will still see each other around. alright, time to pack up and back to camp =)

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